Friday, August 18, 2006

Who Needs Sleep (well u're never gonna get it)

it is true. i did not harass miriam about posting. and im not sure y. i think its bc even tho i've been posting, i feel like i havent. its a difficult emotion 2 explain. an emotion that is easy to explain is the type of freak outness i had when tsippi got engaged. now u may wonder...y was i freaking out if i knew in advance? but u and tsippi go back 2 the 5th grade when we ate in the closet on fast days..(and thats not like bringing up bad things ppl did b4 they were frum..bc we were 10..ok?) now shes gonna wear a white dress...and dance in a circle. i mean im gonna dance in the circle 2..but in a different way. man...we r gonna have some awesome shtick @ that wedding...woohoooooooo. those db girls wont kno what hit them. yea, thats rite i feel the need 2 prove i am an older friend. so take that..hmph

today i spent a good chunk of my summer fortune @ target. ok so maybe it was more like a slice, but it was still a decent amount of money. it was fun tho. especially my special-ist purchase..and no that wasnt my $1 container of mini chips ahoy. especially bc once i started eating them i realized i dont like the after taste of mini chips ahoy. they taste like famous amos (this is the part where malkie reads this and goes..but u luv famous amos..sorry was a lie)

another thing i did 2day was venture up in2 the upper echelons of the special sauna. aka the attic that was sooo hot and stuff i really thought i would pass out and not have ne1 find me till 6 when my dad came home. but i conquered my fear of the flying knife/spring and the creaky ladder (see post from like june) and i went and found my suitcase and 'slid' it down teh ladder till it hit the futon and bounced across the room. now if thats not a sturdy suitcase i dont kno what is...neways its full. of skirts. and a few zip ups, 2 jackets...but mostly skirts...hahaha i luv how i have no shirts and a million skirts...and no that does not reflect on my poor choices as a consumer.

2nite was my last nite @ the er..for in until i become a dr (with the utmost mercy of Gd) and get 2 actually chill there in a 'i kno what im doing' way. 2nite was definately the best nite. even w.o seeing in2 some1s intestines. there was a guy who was handcuffed 2 his bed w. security outside of the room bc he was running from the police...there was an x-ray w. lung cancer and thats not mean of me bc she already knew she had it, she just brought it along ...there was the time i got 2 listen 2 a guy's chest while he had an asthma attack...o the list goes on and on. point is..i am soooo ready to dominate this year...wooooot...i feel like i just finished a huddle @ a texas high school football game...intense stuff ppl...shout out 2 the time i got my wisdom teeth removed and saw friday nite lights while barfing bc my oral surgeon thought i was fat and gave me 2 much anasthesia (how many omg u're not fat comments can i generate from that? its called shock value ppl..i would b in the hospital still if i thought i was fat)

thats all for now. its 3:09am. i have 2 wake up @ 8:45 to prep for my pedicure. (shout out 2 the sister...thanx a million 4 the gift i can go 2 stern in full jap mode 2 match my domination mode) im kind of WIDE awake and in the mood 2 stay up all nite. i will regret that. but it goes w. my warped thinking that thursday nites u can stay up late and wake up early friday morning bc then its shabbos. o i did that many a time in israel. and then i would stay up late wednesday nite 2 bc thursday nite just wasnt a real nite so then the exhaustion would add up until shabbos morning when shul started @ 5:45am and then FINALLY i would get a little nap bc u could never sleep for so long in some random persons house...and then saturday nite u stay up late bc u're american..and then sunday nite u finally crash. hm lets not do that. maybe i should go 2 sleep. but i dont wanna! I DONT I DONT!

ok. maybe i will. maybe i wont. u'll all just have 2 sit here and wonder...muahahahaha..(hahah)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

gasp! i am jaded forever.

4:32 PM  

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