Monday, August 14, 2006

what REALLY happens when rachel bakes cookies

ok. so really i took a million pics of the destruction that occured when i baked cookies. but my dads camera is very broken and it didnt save them. before it was minorly broken. then it was the kind of broken where if u pop the batteries in and out it works..but now its officially dead. done. ghetto camera from 1924 has been retired. we'll miss u old pal.

point is i was feeling like i wanted 2 finalize the fun bonding day i had w. my neice pre-they r ditching me 4 israel. (fun bonding day means looking @ every single only simchas wedding album w. ur 5 1/2 yr old neice who always asks u y u dont have a husband if she has 2). so i suggested that we bake cookies. my sisters response to my neice when she informed her that we were baking cookies was quite foreshadowing..."rachel knows how to bake??" i just laughed and said, of course i can bake chocolate chip cookies. i mean come on how hard is it?

the experience started off quite well. i managed 2 not treif up nething which is always a special miracle w. me in the kitchen. then we put the cookies on the baking sheets. they were a little large and a little close 2gether, but we're not trying 2 get these cookies entered in2 some food magazine, we're just trying 2 make somethin good n tasty so we didnt care if we had 2 break the cookies apart.

crisis #1. the baking pans from dallas apparently dont fit in the milchig oven in this here part of the country. technically i could just make the cookies in the fleish oven, but my sister dripped chicken sauce in the oven on friday and started a fire that was so minor, but i was terrified and freaked out. and that still hasnt been totally cleaned out so smoke comes out when u turn on the oven. there4 we had 2 deal w. the milchig oven. so we decided to try stuffing the pan in, but the door wasnt 100% closed and so the temp wouldnt rise. so then we started off just baking the cookies on the small sheet.

then we took a break to do some crazy dancing w. the chassidish music blasting (shout out 2 the chassidish shabbaton in dallas where they gave out free cds and i am obsessed w. this cd it makes me so happy) neways while dancing ruchama hurt her foot (no fear..all is better) and rachel's foot started 2 swell up even we were chillin on the couch when my sister took the first pan out. she tried 2 find a good way 2 get the cookies off the very pre-oiled cookie sheet..

crisis #2. the cookies seriously wont come off the sheet. not in a use some arm muscle way...but in a if u use a plastic cookie scraper they will break kind of way. so then we dug thru the drawers and found some silver pie scoop thingy (that was after trying it w. a super sharp knife etc). then we had 2 scrape and scrape. cookie crumbs were flying all over the JUST cleaned kitchen. as in that morning cleaned kitchen. crumbs on the stove-top. crumbs on the counter. crumbs on the floor. crumbs on my feet. EVERYWHERE. finally we got the cookies off the sheet. some were completely crumbed, some in many peices, 3 were still whole. wooot. then i cleaned as i do so well. my sister said something very comforting 2 me. "dont worry. u're husband will cook and u'll clean up after him since u're good @ that" but its all good bc i already decided that if my husband is hungry, he's gonn have 2 cook since i sure as heck am not julia child.

end of the story is that the cookies tasted fine but i am definately holding a grudge on all baking. so its over. finished. good riddance (i hope u had the time of ur life..)hehehe.

on another note its 11pm and i have 2 wake up @ 4 2 take the family trip 2 the airport 2 say bye 2 the pisher fischer ditchers (aka sister and family). sniff sniff. i should b sleeping but since i havent gone 2 sleep b4 2 in the past 2 weeks..i really cant bring myself 2 b tired. im sure i will b 2morrow. im also hitting up the dr 4 some serious "i got stung by a bee and my foot is so swollen i cant put on my shoes 2 get my skirt altered 4 shira's wedding" drugs.

till next time...


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