FYI: Possible Fainter
Just as I made plans with Aviva to go swimming I get a call from my cousin at 1:46 that I have an appointment at 2:15 with the eye doctor. So I quickly get dressed (yes, I was still in my pajamas, its not like I had anywhere to go or anything to do, what was the point in getting clothes dirty) and totally hate what my hair looks like, grab a string cheese and cookies and a drink (my lunch) and head out with my mom and the beautiful red truck. So we get there, and sit, and wait, and sit, and wait, and watch everyone else pass thru the door to the other side where u go to get seen, and sit, and wait, and again watch everyone pass thru, and then I hear my name!! So we go on back, the nurse asks y am there and I say I was driving one night and all of a sudden I couldn't see and my mom piped it and said that's not what happened so then I clarified that I could see it was just all blurry. And la de da I go thru the stories from the past 2 weeks which I will not write out because I'm sick of my headache/blurriness stories. So then after that we go sit in the special waiting room, not the one u first walk into but the one that's thru the door. So we sit, and wait, and play games on the palm pilot, and then my name is magically called again! So we go into the eye examination room and sit there for a few minutes then I nurse comes back in and says that the Dr wants to do a field test on me and so we go back to the special waiting room and then after the sitting and waiting process my name is called again and we go to the room where the test is and let me warn u guys right now ITS NOT FUN. Now, its not painful or anything just really annoying and bothersome to the eyes. One eye gets covered and ur looking into this machine thingy thru a lens and u have to stare straight ahead and ur given this little clicker thing and any time u see this very faint white light anywhere in the space ur staring at u click it. Now the light is white and the area ur staring at is white and u cant look around, u must stare straight ahead at all times, and if u do look around the machine will know and the Dr will know ur cheating. Now it doesn't sound so bad except that after staring at the machine for so long everything starts to look dark and then u can start seeing the blood vessels in ur eyes and u cant barely notice that very faint white light and u know ur missing them but ur not gonna click the clicker for no reason. So after that was over we went back to the eye examination room and its been 2 hrs since we had arrived at the dr's office. So we sit and we wait and while we r sitting and waiting I notice that on my chart there's a yellow post it note and it says "FYI: possible fainter". Now now, what's with the reputation? You faint just one time and then ur known as the "fainter"? Come on, gimme a break. So finally the Dr comes in and he checks my eyes and says my prescription has changed. Then he dyes my eyes and does a tear test (to deal with the contact situation) and apparently they don't produce any tears and so he gives me a different brand to try so my eyes wont turn red and that was it. We left and went to Lenscrafters and once again we were sitting and waiting cuz everyone had to be there at that time with only 2 ppl working so after what seemed like 20 yrs we ordered my new lenses but of course my prescription they don't have in stock, they have to make them from scratch and so now I will be going another week or so without seeing. Then it's almost 4 hours later and i'm finally home. The End.
ok i was going 2 make a comment about aviva still being in red and how she should have 2 do something 2 retain that special status, but then i couldnt think of nething funny 2 say...
refuah shelima
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