Sunday, September 28, 2008

And A Happy New Year...

It's clearly been sometime since the last post. It's quite surprising how busy one can get with work. It just consumes all of your time. Once you arrive home theres a lot that needs to be done and so you soon forget all the little things in life. Which are really important things but again, no time. So, if you kids havent gathered i have been working constantly. And rachel must be also since she only blogged once and has yet to appear here again. Maybe she has two jobs.
I'm unclear as to what i blogged about last time. so sad times if i blog about the same thing. ill tell u all what i do with my day. besides for praying before i go to bed each night that i get cancelled in the morning tho secretly hoping i dont but secretly hoping i do but really not cuz in the end i want to make money. i wake up super early. go to work. come home. stare at the tv/comp for a few minutes and if the sun is out then i try to get a few minutes in. then i either have an exercise date with rochelle. or i make dinner for the fam. if i dont have a date with rochelle then i try to exercise on my own at home. sometimes im good. sometimes im not. last week was not a good week. shame on me. and i have a feeling this week wont be a good one either. but theres still hope for tonight. usually i walk every sunday. but that didnt happen. meh. ok, so now u basically know my life. work and exercise. oh, and constantly having to call ppl back. i dont know how i always have a list of ppl to call. its not easy being so far away from everyone. i needa go to smelly and play. thats next on my list of things to do. planning that trip.
ok, shana tova to all. that includes u rachel. if u ever take the time to read this.


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