Wednesday, June 27, 2007

pardon me

u know what? some of us are busy and dont have time to check up on this here lil blog and see if rachel decided to post again after a year. ok? like yesterday, for instance, i had to paint my toes bubble gum pink so i clearly had no time to check on the blog. and today i was in school. and monday i was in school, and sunday i was out shopping, and saturday was shabbat kodesh, and friday i was cooking, and thursday i was in school, and wednesday i was in school. see? not all of us go to school 2 days a week and play the rest of the time. soon tho, soon i will be playing all day. playing = swimming and tennis. yay. (that's assuming the rain decides to stop back home, please G-d)
so the s key on my keyboard is broken. i correct whenever i type. like if im writing out the word whats up- a lot of the time it comes out as 'what up' and i then have to go and correct it and i said i would stop doing that but i cant just not correct it cuz then my convo <- exhibit a the s was just left out right there i wanted to write convoS but no, i pressed s and it did not register. now i totally lost what i was saying. i'll just explain y its broken. so my comp was on my bed at home (this was back before summer classes started) and suddenly farfel jumped on my bed and he jumped on izabelle and the s key wasnt sitting right and then it came off so i kinda fixed it meaning it went back on the keyboard but it still wont sit right. so now when i press on it it doesnt always register. so its really frustrating when im trying to talk to ppl or typing in general cuz i always have to retype things.
schools almosts over. woohoo. im going to rachels for shabbat. woohoo. with deb. woohoo. i think thats all the excitement. oh wait, huge thunderstorms going on tonight in queens. there were awesome bolts of lightening so i just sat on the dining room table here staring out the window watching it. i even made popcorn. then the sara(h)s came home and kinda made fun of me. oh well. i enjoyed it. sarah said that i would totally sit there all day just watching ppl. so true.
there ya go rachel, i posted. i hope ur happy.
oh, i also have to write a persuasive speech. i think mine will be on y tap water is better than bottled water. its quite scary. dont read up on it. trust me.
oh, im also reading aloud as i type. just in case u guys were wondering.
that is all.
ps dont end a speech like that, the prof will get mad.


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