Tuesday, July 04, 2006

2nd career change in 1 day

i hate to confuse u all w. my many career dreams...but here is the last one for today: (maybe)
i shall become a pyrotechnogropher. ok that means i get to make fireworks @ the washington monument! woohoo! theres only one tiny tiny tiny problem. but i really think i can look beyond this problem. its really not such a big problem in the grand scheme of the worlds problems..its just that i...i'm scared of fire. i think its because at the young age of 5 my brother set the house on fire and i got blamed. ok it wasnt quite that good. but im having deja blue here thinking that i've told this story b4 on the blog so i wont retell it. neways i totally have a fear of fire often seen in family pictures where my brother is holding a flaming marshmallow and i am bawling. but i've gotten over that part. i just really prefer not to hold the havdalah candle (now what does that say for my husbands height? too tall to see? or too short to bother holding a candle?) neways thats the only issue. that my future career has the word pyro in it. but i figure that someone else can deal w. the flaming part and i'll just make the pretty pictures. yea its not gonna happen. but maybe if i get a super fire resistant outfit i'll b ok....or not.
heres a gel wars update: it seems that sketchy pink gel smells way better than israeli gel, but it makes my hair a shtickle too fluffy. on the other hand it is curlier. the frizz is not ne different with either one. and there is no nasty gel stuff on my head. woohoo. crisis averted.
2morrow is back 2 work day. i truly dont want 2 go. 3 days left of this week. and then 3 more weeks of work. that means i have 3 weeks to actually do something so that on august 4th i dont have to stand there and not have nething 2 say. yay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of the fireworks @ washington memorial, from what i saw on TV everytime they had green fireworks i thought the monument looked like a big pickle. just a thought...

12:42 AM  

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