i am a spazz. picture a car and a road. and the road forks. but before it completely forks u can see the forking happen. so instead of switching out of the wrong side of the fork, u just sit in ur car and go "shoot im in the wrong lane. the road is forking. what do i do? lalalala". and u dont switch out bc u're spending all ur time talking about how u need to switch out. that is so unhelpful of myself. and then imagine that u then find ur way back to the rite side of the fork, drive for another 15 minutes and then find out that u went 2 far and u didnt even need to go near the fork. like ur destination was b4 the fork. so u just totally wasted all ur time. like what is that? that is me and my spazzy driving. i, according to yulia, have bad hand/mind coordination. i seem to find that quite true. my mind is totally on time, but i just keep driving. and i know we've had this discussion b4, but its just so sad of me when i'm sitting in a car making fun of myself and then i just go and do the exact thing that i'm making fun of myself for. like hello, wake up! neways here is the latest fiasco brought to you by the marc. or shall we say Smarc? this morning it took 40 minutes longer than usual bc some train stalled in a tunnel. and the train bhind that blocked us. so we just chilled. and then in the afternoon when i was soooo desperate to get home and just be home we sat for 30 minutes waiting for a freaking signal, and then 10 minutes waiting for a freight train to cross the tracks in front of us. why does the freight train get preference? we are the people who have stuff waiting for us. there is no difference btwn receiving ur freight train @ 7 or @ 7:10. like seriously ppl. get cracking. by the time the train got to college park i was FUMING. like in cartoons when there is smoke coming from ppls ears..that was me. bc i was just sooo tired and majorly mad that it took so long. and then as i get off the train the conductor tells me to enjoy the rain. i'm like rain? its not raining. BAM. THE SHOWER IS OOOON. like soaked in 10 seconds. so then my daddy had to pick me up thank goodness he was in college park. and the whole time the sun was still completely shining while the road was swirling in water. it was crazy. hm this isnt so funny. sorry guys. 2morrow is friday and i am sooo psyched to have the weekend. sooo psyched.
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