Monday, June 26, 2006


u mite think that the s in the title is a typo. it is not. it stands for stupid. as in stupid marc. as in the train that takes me to baltimore each day. usually they do stupid things like have no ac, or wait 20 minutes because there r no signals...stuff like that. 2day wasnt actually their fault, but i'll blame them neways. last nite there was a HUUUUGEEE storm. like had it been dallas it would have been a tornado. like the thunder and lightening was INTENSE. in ur eyeballs while u slept intense. (good thing we werent in tents) hahaha. neways this morning i hopped in my car and drove to college park and got to my sisters JUST as my brother in law was leaving. perfect timing 2 catch a ride to the train. then i sat there. a huuuuge freight train passed by for 2.5 minutes. LITERALLY. from 8:05 until almost 8:09. so thats like 2.5 neways then after 15 minutes i hear an annoucement about how the camden line is closed and the trains r running on holiday schedule. now i know how to be bored and i have already memorized the rules of the train off the thing my dad printed and i know that my train, 844, runs on holiday schedule. but they said camden was closed. so i had 2 track down some1 in my family 2 go online. and alas, due to fallen trees, no signals, and flooding, there is no train. so then i walked back 2 my sisters and drove like a madman to baltimore bc i figured there would b traffic @ some point even tho there wasnt. thats my story.
i would also like to take this time to explain the TRUE meaning behind the fight btwn me and miriam. at some point towards the end of this school year we initiated the "annoying contest." this is quite unlike the frum contest we played in senior year which tsippi won hands down. this contest is quite simple. u try to annoy the other person 2 the point where they freak out. usually i win bc im not like miriam and i dont get annoyed if some1 else is hyper when im not. or if some1 puts their foot near my bed. or if some1 is sick. or if ...the list goes on and on as a testimony to my superior shield against annoyedness. however last nite i am sad 2 inform u all that miriam won. but JUST that once. do not think that the battle is over. i have a whole year in stern to drive her MAD! woooohooo!
what else what else. my dear friend yulia is coming 2 chill @ my house for a week. i think she will b bored. but its ok bc my room is in total chaos and she likes to clean. YAY! also, if ne1 is hungry we have about 9000 bagels and 1000000 balls of cream cheese in my house from the bris yesterday. me and my dad tried to get rid of some of it while my mom wasnt looking, but we only got rid of the massive tray of egg salad. (thaaaank Gd) so all those who r hungry, come and eat! ok 30 minutes left till i go and play w. mice. i REALLY would LOVE to start doing SOMETHING. PLEASE. o! today is the day i bring up next week. as in, do we have to come in to work on july 3rd? bc i think the lab is funded by NIH which is government so therefoooore (insert gemara noises) i paskin that just like the government offices are closed july 3rd, so too (kal vichomer ben bno shel kal vchomer) we should have no work monday or tuesday. i think my chances of using that great logic on dr. chen will b lost. however he does feel badly that it takes me 2 hours. perhaps that can b used? probly not. but maybe! stay tuned bc if i have no work on monday i just MIGHT have to have a permanent smile on my face. just for now tho bc once i get home and am bored again i will wish i had work. NOT. i will sleep late (ish). and eat ice cream. and um. yea. maybe i need ideas of fun activities. my brain tends to slow down to an unhealthy rate when i am bored. like yesterday when i couldnt even bring myself to go cvs to buy more shampoo after my ENTIRE bottle took an unfortunate spill in a plastic bag. ok it wasnt the ENTIRE bottle. it was like 90%. and i wanted to go the art store and when i finally worked myself up enuf 2 get off my was closed. i laughed. i think. i cant remember. au revoir for now.
ps. im not paranoid like miriam, but since this was so darn long i copied it just in case.


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