Thursday, June 29, 2006

Houston, We Have A Problem

My original plan today was to write about a post just letting y'all know I was going to be gone for about 24 hrs and not to be alarmed. But now this post has gone in a different direction. Let's go back to last night when I had gone to pick up the Sara(h)s. So it's 12:40 a.m. and we are heading off to the airport. So I'm driving on the highway (in the pretty truck) and you know when the lights all around look all fuzzy, like you cant see the actually light just this big circular blob that you know is a light. Anyways, all the lights in the distance were all blobs, but it wasn't just that. I couldn't read any signs until I got real close to them. And the lines on the highway were just blurry white strips instead of dashed lines. So basically I cant see anything while I'm driving but I'm freaked out that I cant see anything so I'm too scared to say anything to my mom. Now we are pulling up to the entrance of the airport and there are all these different booths to go thru except that since it's 1 a.m. only 2 are open, a toll tag and a public one. I can see the green light that says it's open but I couldn't read the sign up top of it that said it was either toll tag or public. So I was asking my mom which was which. I get my ticket and pull thru and as I'm driving towards terminal E I say to my mom 'I think ur going to be driving home". Let me explain how weird of a statement this was to exit my mouth. We were in the truck, the truck! Why would I give up driving the truck? So she asks me why and I said cuz I cant see anything at all. I cant read any signs. I just cant see. So we are pulling up to terminal E and I certainly cant read the little numbers to see where gate 31 is. So I'm driving real slow and I ask my mom where the gate is and she says the Sara(h)s are standing outside so to just look for them. So I drive down and she says that they are right over there and then I really start to freak out cuz I cant see them. It's not like they were standing in the dark, they were under the overhang which was well lit and I couldn't see them or anything for the life of me. Only once I got real close did I see them. So me and my mom switch seats and she drives home all worried bout me cuz I cant see (oh right, she thinks its not good that I've had a headache for 2 weeks, minor details). Now, let me explain why this is a huuuuuuuuuuge issue. In about 2 1/2 hrs I'm supposed to be driving to Houston. Please tell me how this is gonna happen if I couldn't see anything last night? And then I heard my dad saying to my sis this morning that maybe we should take a greyhound. This is not cool. I've been looking forward to this roadtrip since December. And I found out on Sunday that we were taking the truck. And its just so cool. (of course I don't wanna go cuz I have nothing to wear to the wedding but that's a side point) whets the point in going if I'm not driving. So ya, we'll see what ends up happening, I have to go out and see if I can see again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

refuah sheaima. wedding?

4:31 PM  

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