Sunday, October 15, 2006

last minute blogging from israel...

so i'm leaving the house @ 3:30am and i figured i had nothing better to do then waste time online. i mean every1 else is sleeping, but thats all we're gonna do on the plane, so y not waste time now?? i kno..i'll b the 1 collapsing by the time i show up in ny 2morrow nite @ 11pm...

neways...thursday after some classic my family miscommunication and randomness, i found myself in mmy...and shockingly enuf i knew a good 5 ppl there...i was so proud!!! i got a lot of old comments tho.. as in o, so where r u in seminary? me: i was here 2 years ago.. them: wow. u're old. that happened like 10 times in 1 stuff.. another thing that happened was the super hyper rachel who just felt the need 2 blab to every single person she met. now im not like that. i meet ppl and i have absolutely nothing 2 say. not in a...omg i cant think of something that wont emb me..just as in my mind is totally blank and i just have nothing 2 say. but here i was in mmy and every person i met was priveleged enuf 2 hear me just blab on and on w. random stories and commentaries and hyperness. and then i was trying 2 tell them how i didnt talk in the beginning of mmy and they all looked @ me in this girl could not have been quiet at the beginning of mmy, she didnt shut up for the past 10 minutes.. it was bizarre. especially bc in my head i was like wow..who am i? and y cant i stop talking?? and no miriam, i hadnt had ne mountain dew. but of course, spending time in the heiligah mmy was a partay especially when i got 2 clean rena's chicken..

yom tov was nice bc rebecca got 2 spend time w. my family and see how truly weird, bizarre, and 2 quote chani "we put the 'fun' in dys'fun'ctional.... there was a lot of classic..i came all the way here to do u a favor that u didnt request or need and now im mad that i came all the way here type stuff.. but she survived neways and still had fun..or so she said. and then after like 10 hours of scavenger hunt directions from me and rebecca, bracha (of link on the side of the page fame) came to visit me all the way from maale adumim in the rain. yes its true folks, it rained and rained 2day... fun stuff in israel. they were both zocheh 2 join the family tradition that is usually at nite on simchas torah, but was pushed off a few hours... this is the famous "tacos and beer" tradition. apparently it began about 25 years ago and has continued on uninterrupted in various parts of the world represented by different members of the mafia family. the actual tradition is as simple as it sounds. every simchas torah u have to eat tacos and beer. and have lots of fun.

b4 i go here is a story that i missed out on. it is my new favorite:

so my parents and my grandmother r driving back from chaifa (doesnt it look weird spelled that way?) and they take a wrong turn. its late at nite and the road is REALLY dark. eventually they see a sign that says "Shomron. High Surveillance"(something like that..) and they realize that they have found their way in2 the shomron.. so they decide 2 do what?? pull over on this random road and look @ a map. now please note they could really b on the road leading 2 jenin, but they pull over neways. then they see some1 approaching the car and he knocks on the window. its an 'israeli' guy w. a fro that has been compared 2 mine and he wants a ride. of course, being nice and crazy, my family lets the guy in and drives him 2 ariel. he is 'from' alon shvut, but apparently gets kicks out of walking down dark roads in the shomron and getting rides from clearly lost americans. neways. the story didnt come out as funny as it was. or maybe i just have a warped sense of humor, but i thought it was priceless. i mean who else would pick up a hitchiker in the middle of the nite in the shomron??

neways. im waking up in 3 1/2 hours..i should go 2 sleep...


Blogger mirrac said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA i mean clearly u didnt have mountain dew cuz its israel but that's exactly what i was thinking. hehehe. i heart us.

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

snort, so a secunda thing to do!

4:37 PM  

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