Optimisim is for Losers
Tuesdays and Thursdays. My favorite days of the weeks. Class starts at 12 which means i get to wake up in the double digits. I always have such high hopes for those days. I think it'll be a good day just cuz i get a decent amount of sleep (unless of course i stay up past 3 having philosophical conversations with Aviva while Rachel is off in dreamland). But then something, anything, goes wrong. Tuesday my watch broke. It was tragic. Not in a the battery died type of a way or a link needs to get a fixed. More in a the watch is in pieces and Swatch is gonna hear from me since i just got it in June type of way. And then this morning i had to have a blood test. Doneven. i was late to class and i almost didnt go cuz me and blood tests do not get along but i know that i cant miss dev. psych and so i walked in more than 30 min late. *pats self on back* It doesnt help that everyone i know (oh sha aviva) gets to go home for Rosh Hashana (yes rachel im excited to come to ur house, u have no idea. but i still want to be home for the high holidays, ok?) And so right now as the teacher is sitting in the front of the class and im blogging away all i want to do is get on a plane and fly home. Home sweet home. The place my sister will be on Monday (bez"H). No fair. Pick me! Choose me! Love me! SOMEBODY BUY ME MY OWN PLANE ALREADY! i'll even take a last minute ticket on a commercial airline, ok?
well, i love you!
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