Thursday, August 31, 2006

I'm A Good Girl I Am

There are several reasons why i'm a good girl.
Number one. I am blogging.
Number two. I didnt blog a blog that i wrote up out of frustration. (now arent we all curious)
Number three. I called up my mommy and let her know i was alive and well. Ok, so maybe im not well but im still alive!
So really those are the only reasons as to why i am a good girl. I mean im sure there are other reasons but those are the reasons i wanted to share.

I would like to take this time and tell you all what i hate about stern. I hate the elevators here. I'm not sure if i've mentioned this yet. I think it's unlikely that i have since i never ever ever blog but still. Anyways i get really annoyed when im trying to get off the elevator and girls are trying to get on but they are trying to get on before they let people off therefore creating no room to get on and no room to get off and then i cant move at all and all i want to do is have all those people bite their noses. Just move out of the way for one single instant so i can step off that elevator and go on my merry way. Please. I have walked up 9 flights of stairs twice so far and i've only been here for a week and a half now. That is pathetic. Pathetic as in i should only have to walk up the stairs twice the entire year and only on shabbat and not cuz there are 2937593 girls waiting there and there are only 2 elevators and they are on the 7th and 14th floor and are going up and i'm not gonna stand there and wait for 20 minutes to go up to my glorious 10th floor while all the new yorkers and new jerseyers lives on the low floors and they get to go home all the time and first year students are on lower floors as well and here i am way up top looking down on the world after climbing stairs and i can no longer breathe and really i shouldnt take the stairs cuz my heart cant handle it cuz its been acting a bit fishy lately (shh, dont tell my mom) and i've had a cough since i arrived in smelly ny but dont you worry bout me u first year and second year ny nj low floor dwellers i'll be just fine.

I feel like i'm finally getting settled back in to NY since i made two purchases at H&M this week. That is where all my money goes. It's sad. But at least i have clothes. I need to go shoe shopping. Yes, need is the word.

Story of the night. And by story i do mean random comment. So i'm walking back from Mr. Broadway and i see a big red car and i see the Honda symbol and then i realize ITS MY TRUCK!!!! except that its not such a pretty red. its just a plain red. my red is a hot shimmery red. which makes sense cuz my truck is really hot. but anyways it was my truck and then i got really sad and i just stood there and i cried hysterically for an hour. ok. so no crying happened at all. but i did just want to go home and drive around in my truck and blast country music. i heart home.

The time is now after 2 and i should really get to bed since i have to wake up before 11 tomorrow. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my good days. Class starts at 12 then. I get to wake up 11 usually but this time i'm gonna spice up my routine and shower in the morning and NOT straighten my hair. Scandalous. I know. Then i'm gonna go to developmental and inform my teacher that decided to give our first test the first day back from succot break that i will not be here so too bad for her. Ok, so the conversation will go nothing like that. I'm gonna come off all sweet and innocent and beg and plead that i can take the test a different time since i must must must be at tsippis wedding. It'll all work out, right? I got into my gym class i wanted, the rain stopped. Things have been getting better. So this will go smoothly. I'm really trying to convince myself of this right now. Please G-d let this all work out. Amen.



Blogger Hinda said...

Amen. I heart you, Mir.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank goodness s/o blogged! i was afraid once stern starts, you'd forget your most loyal readers!

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you know how you complain about people that go home often being on the low floors and it sucks b/c u dont go home often so you should be on a low floor--- in that same vein, i hate how people complain about 11am waking being the hardest of their days when other dashingly charming and charismatic people have to wake up at 6am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9:27 PM  
Blogger mirrac said...

i did not complain about "11am waking being the hardest of their days" i was complaining about having to wake up BEFORE 11. sheesh man. and i thought u werent gonna read the blog anymore. haha.

11:15 PM  

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