early bird gets the worm, late worm gets 2 live (?)
some days r long and tiring and absolutely draining. all u want to do is sit on ur bed and sleep. a few hours go by and u realize that a nice mint chocolate chip ice cream might just do the trick.. so u venture out to baskin robbins w. mir and aviva and u stand there all 2gether and discuss what to get. then miriam gets her small lookin scoop. then aviva gets her smaller lookin scoop. then the guy walks over 2 the register and starts ringing them up. as in, r u paying 2gether or seperately. and u're just left there by the ice cream. alone. without ice cream. so then every1 starts laughing at you. and u wonder if perhaps u're just invisible 2 the world. so unimportant in this massive universe that even the baskin robbins guy doesnt see u. when aviva finally asks him to come and help u, life starts looking bright again. then things get even brighter when the manager stops by and tells the guy that he's been using the kid size scoop. there4 u end up with a MASSSIIVE perfectly round amazing scoop of mint chocolate chip and life is good. especially when u get rid of 3 of those darn gold dollars that u have 16 of. whoever decided 2 use those as change in port authority is just mean.
thats all 4 now. if i go 2 sleep rite now i can get 9 hours of sleep b4 the early morning run 2 the ny library 2 see if we can snag 2 copies of eric and enide in the rite translated edition... life is tuf when u have 2 read a new book every week 4 lit and u dont actually want 2 invest in ur medieval romance lit personal collection...
thats all 4 now. if i go 2 sleep rite now i can get 9 hours of sleep b4 the early morning run 2 the ny library 2 see if we can snag 2 copies of eric and enide in the rite translated edition... life is tuf when u have 2 read a new book every week 4 lit and u dont actually want 2 invest in ur medieval romance lit personal collection...
"good things come to those who wait"...thats what u were lookin 4..
i so love those coins! give em to me if you dont want them!
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