Wednesday, September 06, 2006

my name is what?

certain things follow us thru life. for example, every year from 8th grade through mmy i got in trouble at least 1ce a year for drawing during class. that ended w. the initiation of college, altho i have my suspicions thats about 2 change w. spazzy english teacher.

point is that theres a larger more annoying scenario that plays out w. every new person i meet. this is the scenario called ppl think my name is rachel. as in raTchel. as in rachel from friends. not rachel like hebrew like the matriarch. (insert ppl reading this who r thinking...shoot! her name isnt ratchel??) the most horrible rachel scenario was in mmy...after like 6 months when we got all new classes and 1 teacher latched on2 the ratchel thing even tho i corrected her the first day. and then ppl in the class got confused and thought that i was pulling the i unflipped in israel thing bc i went from rachel (hebrew) to but really ppl started calling me ratchel and it confused the real ratchel. then it started really bugging me and then i made it in2 a big huge spazzy rachel moment where i had like a huge discussion w. rabbi katz about what i was gonna do about my name issue. and then the horribleness happened. 1 early morning in hilchos shabbos w. rabbi lerner who was my teacher the entire year 4 hilchos shabbos and he called me rachel the whole first half of the year, called on me but he said, raTchel can u tell us what the mishna brurah said..and i didnt respond bc i didnt expect him 2 say that. and when i realized he was talking 2 me, i was so confused that i gave him a blank look and he called on some1 else. which was a tragedy bc then he thought i was an idiot. THEN i was wearing my headband that said shteig on it and when i walked in2 the building i got tackled by 1 million mmy girls cracking up and yelling @ me. so finally 1 person told me that during mussar b'parsha rabbi lerner ended off by saying "and to quote raTchel's headband..shteig!" so first of all its so awkward that he read my headband..and 2nd of all he CALLED ME RATCHEL AGAIN! so then i spazzed. totally spazzed. then basically i told him in that bright red rachel face mumbles her words story and i told the other teacher who got mad @ me and basically this is all the introduction to my story.

here is my story:
1st day of women in jewish law i told him my name was rachel and not ratchel. but alas! what did i realize 2day...he thinks my name is BRACHA!!! hahaha!!!!

now every1 thinks im insane 4 writing a super long introduction 4 1 comment, sorry.

thats all 4 now...


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