Sunday, July 23, 2006


this is what i do when i am home the entire day (minus a 1 block run aka drive to the mikvah to dip some pans in the dirty, pardon me, holy water)..i ponder. ok really i just get so bored that i start to be slow moving and nostalgic...the slow moving is because my brain never starts moving fast enough to wake up fully, and the nostalgic is from the 'remember when i used to do something fun every day?'. so as i sit here on my bed @ 9pm, 12 hours after i first rose from my bed, i look back on my day in sadness.

heres what i did. i lazed around. i learned how to make pancakes the hard way. aka the way where u have to take the fire alarm off the ceiling so it will shut up. i lazed some more. then i cleaned my room. i kno u r all so proud of me. then i lazed some more. then i cut out some funny comics. then i played w. ruchama's makeup and ended up with orange splotches all over my white shirt. then i did laundry. then i painted my toes. in that eh, no1 will look close enuf 2 see the nailpolish all over my toes and not the nails kind of way. then i lazed some more. then i went 2 the water hole to dip the pans. aka i went 2 the mikvah and tried not 2 think about the tiny microbes of bacteria that were implanting themselves in the alumanim pans that would soon be filled with food. and yes i kno they were washed w. soap and water afterwards, but if the little buggers could live in that slimy green water to begin with, what makes u think that some soap and water will kill them? this was all accomplished in full jap mode bc i convinced my parents to let me drive the altima the entire 1 block to the mikvah with the ac blasting...good times. then i lazed some more. then i ate dinner. then i lazed some more. then i realized that i am so easily defined. either i am doing something super fun and being totally hyper, or i'm sitting on my bed all day wondering about what its gonna feel like when my shaky fan finally falls on my head (CVS guys..dont worry)

so heres my new plan since my "i must do @ least 1 productive and 1 fun thing per nite" thing ended. its not that it totally ended, its more that i realized i was only doing productive things and that was sad bc really i only added the productive thing in as a way to seem productive while just trying to have a good time. the issue is that my dear friends out in dallas do something fun every nite. at first i thought wow. they r so cool. and then i remembered that i used to do that 2. o sigh the smell of summer. aka my feet out doyle's window (as in miriams car) and 7-11, and cranium, and the highway overpass w. its ketchupy handrails (mir STILL owes me 5 bux..shout out 2 yulia :-P) basically i think i made it thru the first part of summer being tired and bored, but tired won out and i thought its a good thing i dont have friends here bc then i'd b so sad that i couldnt hang out w. them bc im 2 tired. that was back in the days of the 'lets see how early i can go 2 bed game' yea..that didnt last very long. once i hit the stay up late phase i realized dude. i could spend this time in so many fun ways..aka not in my room talking 2 the ppls who then go and do fun things... is this 2 blah of me??

i have realized a benefit of blogging. i can complain and while i kno every1 is thinking my goodness she complains a lot, i dont have 2 see them roll their eyes so its as if i'm not really complaining. i really really think i complain less in skool...but i think thats bc every1 else complains so much more about skool that i just cant compete. shocking i kno.

point is about a year ago i was heading out 2 my 3 weeks of dallas fun...alas this year i am not as loaded and i am instead looking forward to ways of getting out of work early this week. my how times have changed. i think back 2 last june in the holy land when rabbi katz gave us that whole end of seminary speech (not quite as famous as rabbi orlofsky's of course) and he said that whole u go home and drink tropicana thing and u 4get all ur israel stuff. and let me tell u..i have probably polished off like 10000000 gallons of tropicana. and whats left is the lazy lazy rachel. i need to go 2 6 flags. i kno i kno u're all thinking that rabbi katz wasnt talking about being lazy in the 6 flags sense..dont worry i kno that..

ok. i think i have finished. im sure i'll have some great stories 2morrow..hardee har har.


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