Taking the road less traveled...
yes i believe the wise poet Robert Frost once said that. i happen to disagree. well I disagree but my body that drives my car agrees. in fact it agrees so much that i got lost 4 times today. HOORAY! first my day started when it took 2 hours to get to baltimore instead of 35 minutes. that was because the last 10 exits took 1 hour. literally. then on the way to visit my pal rena (she doesnt read our blog so no shout out 2 her) i got SERIOUSLY lost bc i was using GOOGLE maps instead of MAPQUEST bc my dad thinks google is better. basically i was really lost but not sooo mad. just a little frusturated. not mad enuf tho 2 make the engine overheat. then i left rena's and went 2 the wedding. now my directions were VERY clear. on paper that is. until i arrived at a fork in the road...and as robert taught me, i took the road less traveled. but not on purpose. bc i ended up in ghetto baltimore w. sketchy guys staring @ my car as i turned around in some1s driveway. that was all because there was an option to go east or west and all google told me was to take security towards woodlawn. and woodlawn was east. alas i should have gone west which had i been a good jew i would have done neways bc it was to the right. then i was so annoyed i was zooming along and missed the next turn. then i 'pulled a U' and then i was finally in the right place except i totally passed the hall bc it HAD NO SIGNS. but then i found it. and was in a BAD mood. and refused to sit @ a table w. ppl i didnt know so i sat w. my mom. dont think i'm a loser. bc i refuse to make conversation w. ppl i dont know when i'm in a bad mood. i just wanted to come home and go to sleep. especially since its now 1 hour past my usual bedtime and all i did in work today was take the blood pressure of mice. seriously beyond boring. UCH.
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