since we all know how few free hours i have in my day, it is certainly understandable when i dislike wasting free time. like when i finish work @ 3:30 and the train doesnt come until 5:15. that is a SERIOUS waste of time especially when if i had driven 2 baltimore i could have been home around 4. not only that, but when i got 2 my bench outside of the train, tragedy struck! first the sky began to look a heavy, thick, charcoal color w. a dab of navy blue. in a really claustraphobic way. like when the sky is blue w. some clouds it looks far away. this looked like my nose was in the sky. and then things started to fly everywhere. papers, garbage, beer cans clattering down the train tracks, dirt in my contacts. it was bad stuff man. i was thinking of calling FEMA. (wow that was my first political joke ever and it wasnt so funny. that makes sense bc i am not so politically funny. or correct. hardee har har) neways then it started to sprinkle. but who cares about a few drops rite? BAM. IT STARTS POURING LIKE U"RE UNDER THE NOZZLE OF A SUPER STRONG AWESOME SHOWER. just not as hot which is good bc that would have been super scary. neways the problem was that i was sitting under an overhang, but the wind was blowing the rain sideways. so i had 2 put the umbrella with the top facing out from my body so that the rain wouldnt blow @ me. smart right? but no, then it started blowing @ my back. so my face was dry, but my back was wet. and i didnt have nemore umbrellas (or hands) so i had 2 deal with it. now my internet is acting up again and im annoyed. SUPER DUPER ANNOYED. and dont tell me im addicted. bc i know i am. but im bored so thats my excuse.
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