Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I Have Risen And Shone (are those words? i guess spell check will tell me... yes rachel i use spell check now shh and let me get on with the post)

Wow! 9 whole hours of sleep. That is almost twice as much as i got the night before. Ok, now i must think about what days have already gone by this week... um.. so today is Wednesday so last night was Tuesday so Monday night i got no sleep. Now normally me going to sleep at 4 in the morning wouldn't be an issue but i lost all sanity when i made my doctors appointment and scheduled it in the morning. (don't worry, i am still in a fight with myself about it.) (oh, and smart Miriam made her next appointment even earlier but its a few days before i leave back to smelly, smelly NY so I'm not gonna be sleeping anyways, oh man those posts are gonna be fun ones! *please note sarcasm*) Now where was i.... oh so i couldn't fall asleep until 4 and my appointment was at 10:30 so i set my alarm (i have not used that since July 6 when school ended. i wish it was July 6 and i still had the whooooooooole summer ahead of me. i hate time! give it back!) for 9:30 but i woke up a little before 9 and i just didn't feel like dealing with falling back asleep so i got up then to shower and i figured since i got up earlier that I'd have time to do my hair before i left but somehow it was 9:40 when i got out of the shower. i don't know how that happened. i could have done my hair but i didn't want to be rushed so i just sat around and popped my migraine medicine and tried not to throw up from the thought of eating. My daily migraine medicine makes me nauseous. i have to sit and figure out exactly what is it my body will allow me to eat. Some things don't make me want to throw up. Yesterday I was up since before 9 and finally ate something around 5 and then again later that night. So in total for the day i probably ate half a sandwich, maybe a whole one. Yipee. This has only been happening since Sunday.

Good news from the doctor: i will no longer have any fights with the axert (please refer back to FightS July 26) because we are now trying out relpax.

I spent the day yesterday with Aviva who is on her way to the holy land. Yay, a break from Aviva!!! (don't worry, she wont read this until she gets back so i wont get in trouble until then). We took a trip to walmart (in the beautiful red truck!!!). We are exciting people. I helped her pack. She is leaving for like 2 days and she had to bring 8233572 outfits. I don't know why she thinks she's me. I'm not even me anymore. I have learned how to become decisive in the past year. so she was going thru her closet not liking anything and i sat there yelling at her and getting annoyed with her (the usual). And then she tells me that she's gonna add several more outfits when i leave. I just don't get that kid.

Remember how Rachel likes to post suuuuuuper long posts and i have told her many times that those intimidate me and she just doesn't care. Clearly she doesn't remember, but i do. Snort on Rachel.

Aw man, i just remember this whole other thing i wanted to post about bit I'm not gonna do it now. Now you all have something to look forward to. Yay!


Blogger mirrac said...

y would i care that u used spell check? and btw i caught the song reference w. the i hate time make it stop..:-D

6:16 PM  
Blogger mirrac said...

what reference r u talking about? r u ok?

3:21 PM  
Blogger mirrac said...

she hates time make it stop when did motley crew bcome classic rock..that song reference

6:22 PM  
Blogger mirrac said...

i know what song but when did i say that

2:11 PM  

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