Friday, July 28, 2006


My goal for the summer was to get a tan. That was it. It seems my body had other plans. Its goal is to see as many doctors as possible this summer and did not okay this goal with me before hand, rude! I have no idea how many doctors appointments i have had so far. We have had the eye issue and the headache issue (which is taking up way too much of my time let me tell u) and now the toe issue. Luckily my toe did not have to be chopped off, yipee! If it continues to bother me then we'll need to go back to the doctor (ok, so he is my cousin, but he is still a doctor!).

In other news, I'm in a fight with the truck (yes yes, the beautiful red truck). So you know how car doors can open all the way to a point where they click into the open position but sometimes you are parked in a spot where you don't have that luxury of opening that car door in the full opening position so you open it part way and it'll stay that part way with out the click. Well you see, the beautiful red truck is big, very big. The doors are also big, very big. If the door is not opened fully in the open position and clicked it likes to close on you since it's very heavy (cuz it's so big) and smash you leg that you have yet to place inside the truck and is still resting inbetween the door and the truck causing excruciating pain and sometimes bruising accompanied with pain for a few days. Now the first time it happened i totally let it slide cuz its the truck. But then the second time it happened it left a bruise and it hurt for me to bend my knee since the doors closes right on my knee. And it happened again today and i hadn't driven the truck in some time and i was all excited and then i get in it and *bam* the door and my knee are having a meeting. Thankfully there are no signs of bruising.

My Exciting Story For The Day
I was on my way back from Gooeys (the fat free frozen yogurt place where Rachel wanted me to work but i never did) with Rebecca and Aliza (my sister) and i was pulling up to a red light and i said to them look behind us and they didn't look so i repeated myself look at the huge truck behind us and they didn't look and i said again a bit louder LOOK AT THE HUGE TRUCK BEHIND US. And they finally looked and there was a truck that was carrying a house on it, you know those really annoying ones that take up all 6 lanes even tho there are only 3 and you wonder how they ever manage to get around the city. The driving house was being escorted by a police officer on a motorcycle. So they are approaching us at the red light and he's honking his horn and the officer is next to me and I'm sitting there waiting for the green to appear and the officer waves at me to go and I'm like OK! so there i was running a red light with a cop right next to me cuz he told me so. HOW COOL IS THAT? IT WAS LEGAL RUNNAGE OF REDDAGE? He made my night... correction: he made my day... correction: he made my whole week! I wish that cop and driving house were behind me all the time... on the road that is.

Shout out to Malkie so she'll love my posts too! Come visit Dallas!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

excuse me, i do love your posts, but rachel mentioned me first! sorry about the toe. and rebecca as in our becca, throw her off a cliff? i am commin home soon!

2:03 PM  

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