Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Coming To An End

You would think that since i have so few days left in beautiful Dallas that I'd use my time wisely and not just waste it all away, but no. I first woke up at 9:49 since my phone rang. I ignored it and went back to sleep. I woke up an hour later and did absolutely nothing. I spent a lot of time on the phone with Aviva. We were going to go to Borders or Barnes and Nobles since we both had a book we wanted to read and have had it on hold at the library since the beginning of the summer but the library has yet to get it to us. So our plan was to sit at the store and read our books and then go home. Avivas mom said that was stealing, i thought we would get kicked out which is why we had 2 bookstores to choose from so once we had to leave one we would just drive on over to the next but it didn't end up happening. So instead i spent the day at the pool working on my tan that was so good at the beginning of the summer and now I'm whiter than a piece of paper. Ok, so I'm sure that's a huge lie but still it's sad that i used to be so much darker. I hope i got some more color today. It was so nice to sit in the hot tub. My little cousin who is 6 joined us when we were all (all meaning me, my sis, and her friend) relaxing and was jumping around and being all hyper. It was entertaining. I think i had other stories i wanted to share about my cousin that happened at the pool but those are long gone. Anyways, me and aviva are supposed to hang out later but my brother was supposed to pick up his friend from the airport tonight. He was in NY. My bro was supposed to be in NY now. I was supposed to be there with him actually. But that just didn't end up happening. How weird would it have been had i gone and Rachel had come to visit for the day. We could have gone to cafe k for lunch. I really wanna go there. Anyways, point is my bro decided to get a virus and cant go to the airport. Um, hello, am i not leaving in less than 2 weeks? WHY THE HECK IS HE GETTING SICK NOW?!?!?! I CANT DEAL WITH THESE THINGS!!!! Now i must load up on the zinc and the vitamin c and the immunity defense orange juice!!! (it does help, ok Rachel?) So, since he cant pick up his friend from the airport guess who is going instead. That's right, me. Can we say awkward? Really i don't care. He comes for shabbat all the time and it's totally cool but it's a 20 minute car- correction: truck ride and I'm not making any small talk so i hope he enjoys country music. My bro gave me keys to give to his friend. As if i'm going to touch those keys. Maybe i should go look for gloves. I hope my contacts don't fall out of my eyes. Now i need to let Aviva know what the dealio is.
Shout out to Rachel cuz my mom bought a big bottle of Veryfine fruit punch and it made me think of her house.


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