Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Rachel Had No Title

For a change i did things today. *pats self on back* So i awoke this morning at 11 cuz my phone got this random text msg from sprint (really i woke up at 7 something it was soo weird but i immediately went back to sleep). I did nothing and made plans with Aviva and left the house a little after one. We first met up at DSW where i bought 2 pairs of shoes. Me and Rachel now have the same pair of shoes but in different colors its like 12th grade all over again except then the shoes were exactly the same (besides from the size, ur welcome Rachel) and that made us so cool. Anyways now the grand total of shoes is (are?) 86 pairs! And you know what, I'm proud of that number. I like shoes. i don't think that's a crime. I don't feel that that number is a reflection of who i am. That is all i have to say on the matter cuz i don't need to defend myself. Then we went to Avivas house to drop of her car and i drove us up to SYMS. i found a wedding top there that i really like and its slightly small and Aviva doesn't think its a good idea for me to have it but i like it and that's all that matters. From there we went to payless where she bought a pair of shoes. Then it was 3:30 and we drove back to her house. Now originally we had wanted to go to old navy so she could exchange her flip flops for a different size but we decided that there wasn't time for that since she had to be back home at 4 and we couldn't meet up until 1. And DSW is by me and SYMS is up north closer to her but further than her house. So the plan was for her to drive to me go to DSW then follow her to her house and i would drive the rest of the day. As we are exiting the parking lot of SYMS we notice across the street is an old navy but Aviva didn't bring her flip flops then we drive a bit further and we notice a DSW and we could have saved ourselves time and gas had we just done ourselves some research. So i hang out at Avivas until she has to leave and from there i go by myself (so sad, i know) to SuperTarget (yipee). My real purpose for the trip was to get a certain ice cream (Strawberry Shortcake Bars by Good Humor) that was only sold there. I also needed some other odds and ends. Just as i arrive my phone rings and i had been worried about how i was going to be kept entertained while i was there and there was Rachel to my rescue (of course she thought that i was going to rescue her). She was stuck in traffic and needed to vent and be entertained. So there i was doing my shopping and listening to Rachel talk on (about absolutely nothing and being really hyper and yelling and just going crazy aka her usual self) for the next 35 minutes until i left that store. I realized later that i forgot to buy lotion. I really need lotion since i used up my other one and i don't wanna keep using the bath and body works one cuz i don't always like having that scent around. And so that was my day. Now I'm just waiting until I'm dairy (just a few more minutes) so i can have my Oreo Uh Ohs (which i bought at SuperTarget) and milk. Tick Tock Tick Tock.

Rachel, I have stolen your funny. If you want it returned alive and in one piece then pay up!


Blogger mirrac said...

u stole my funny and u stole every1 elses funny. we havent had a comment in days. bring back spammy!

10:53 AM  
Blogger mirrac said...

i dont want spammy back

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

9:15 AM  

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