no no, that'd be stressed. i thought once i got thru last week i'd be in the clear. but no, this isnt looking to peaceful, not until thursday/friday but more of the friday cuz hopefully i'll be swimming then. anyways, I CANT DEAL WITH SCHOOL ANYMORE. forget my last 2 finals and lab report, i'm on vacation. lets discuss exactly what needs to be done by thursday. Monday: i have a final (in a few hrs) which will be failed. (i never planned on failing this one but certain ppl ::ahem:: decided to not take me into consideration when planning the study group.) people from dallas r here and need me to give them a tour of stern since stern said they arent doing any more tours until after summer and they should ask someone else to show them around when they obviously know its in the middle of finals and the students must have all the free time in the world to do this. snort on stern, get up off ur lazy behinds and be nice to those who r interested in giving u more money which u clearly dont need. and of course game 7 has to be tonight because the night needs to be more stressful. im not gonna lie, i have a feeling we're not going to make it. we definitely had a chance but since terry was suspended for game 6 i knew there was gonna be a game 7 and thats in san antone and i just dont see us winning there. snort. i dont wanna talk about that until game 7 is over. im still praying we're gonna win. i also need to start and finish the lab report for exp. psych. because.... Tuesday: i have a lab report due. and then the gantza mishpucha is coming in. i dont think im going up to woodbourne to be with them and see where my dad grew up, NOT FAIR!! and then we're going out to dinner that night and la de da. and i need to start packing. i also need to study at least 5 minutes for my hebrew final on.... Wednesday: hebrew final bright and early in the morning. all fluff. i hate writing fluff. and then i need to entertain the gantza mishpucha. im not sure u quite understand how much mishpucha we're talking about. my aunt, uncle, mom, dad, bro, bro, sis, cousin. and my aunt and uncle from israel should be here as well. and my aunt and uncle from chicago (not quite sure when these ppl come in) and i still need to pack up my room. i dont know when exactly thats gonna fit into my schedule. wednesday night we're going out to dinner once again. this then leads us to Thursday: theres my sisters grad and my cousins grad (at least those r one in the same, that would suck if i had to go to 2 especially since they r 27 hrs long) and then i need to catch a flight back home. come thursday evening i will be the calmest person on this earth and i get to meet the truck (woohoo, im gonna look so hot in it) and i get to see the puppy!!! and i cant wait for Friday: all im gonna do is swim. and maybe stop by my old high school before the yrs over with cuz i cant not go there at all. and ya. thats basically it. i am taking bets on those who think im gonna survive the week and those who think i wont.
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