Monday, April 17, 2006

I Heart the Mavs

sof sof i went to a mavs game at home. i've been planning this one out for months. i was determined to go see the mavs at the american airlines center. there were two possibilities depending on when i was gonna come home for pesach. april 8 and aprile 16. not that those were the only two home games. but because of the holiday and what not. but u see, i couldnt go to the game on the 8th because we decided to lose a stupid stupid hour and shabbat ended during the 3rd quarter. so my only game i could go to for the whooooooooole season at home was on april 16. now really i had wanted to go to the game on march 14 cuz we were playing the cavs and i wanted to see lebron play. but i had to catch a flight back to smelly ny that evening to make it back in time for school. i was bitter. very bitter. especially since the flight was delayed a few hours. snort. so anyways, april 16 was my game. i had made plans with a friend and we were gonna go since we had wanted to go to a game together. and then she decided to DITCH me for the holy passover and that once again left me with no mavs games to go to at home and i need to go to at least 3 games a season. its just a rule. i am a loyal fan. i went to the mavs game in ny and in nj. we are NEVER EVER to discuss those games. EVER. so now i had no one to go with but i needed to go to the mavs game. so anytime time i saw any friends of mine i was like 'wanna go to the mavs game on sunday? we can all go. it'll be great' and all of them were like 'okaaay' and nothing ever happend with that until *dum dum dum* vivian called me up and said 'i thought i would let u know im going to to the mavs game. im not sure how thats going to help u but i just wanted to let u know'isnt she just such a sweet person. so i call her back and we are discussing the mavs and their lack of playing ability in the past 2 games and how there are only 2 games left in the regular season and avery johnson doesnt want them to play as hard right now and just chill. so i wish her an awesome time at the game and we hang up the phone. a minute later my phone rings 'i'll be there for youuu when the rain starts to pourrr' and its vivian. vivian 'you still interested in going to the mavs game?' miriam 'um, i dunnno, i dont really follow them that much' vivian ' well i just found out we have an extra ticket and i can invite a friend' miriam ' yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. im so excited. omg. yaaaaaaaaaay' i then had about 30 min to get my hair done. the game was at 7:30. got there at 7:15. dirk didnt play so well. he barely made any shots.the only time he was playing well was when me and vivian had gone to the mavs shop during the 3rd qtr. and then we came back and he wasnt doing so well. is there a connection?!?! but he made his free throws. B"H hes great with those. and the scariest thing in the world happened. dirk was going for a shot and someone blocked him and he fell to the ground. hard. on his left shoulder and the whooole stadium, in unison, gasped. i was holding on to vivians hand sooooo hard. dirk can NOT get injured. hello, playoffs. and ya, i think thats my story. i had an awesome time. cant wait for the finals :-D. oh, and dont you worry, my hair looked perfect.


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